So, I saw the above image at
The web-site of the Sons of Destiny and, well, I couldn't resist, it was to easy a shot, yer Honour.
Ahern denies need to answer questionsThe Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, has denied that he has questions to answer in relation to a report in today's Irish Times that he received money from businessmen
....[snippity snip].....
He told journalists that it was 'none of their business' if he got something from somebody as a present.
He said today's allegation that he had received payments of between €50,000 and €100,000 was 'off the wall' and 'an unfair, unjust leak'......
Mr Ahern added that he was not answering what he got for his Holy Communion money, his confirmation money, or his birthday.
(See also:
Has Bertie been a bold boy?)
Now as far as I can tell no-one
asked him anything related to Holy Communion money, his confirmation money, or his birthday, but the bould Bertie-boy didn't let that stop him spewing out a load of hyper-bolical inanity.
So I couldn't help thinking of his little tantrum when I saw the pic of him laughing with [at?] the voters. So I did this....

and this....

and this....

and this....

* and this....

If anyone out there has any better suggestions, leave a comment or email me at the address below.
*NB:The original image, from whence I doctored last 3 examples, were downloaded from some other Irish blog which I am in the process of trying to re-locate (never bookmarked it!) - so if anyone out there reading this knows who did the original please drop me a line at

Labels: Ahern, Bertie, Communion, Election, Fail, Fianna, Mahon, Money, Posters, Tribunal