More on the Hypocrisy of the Irish Chattering Class

written about the death of the 14 year old
in a cold Police cell in Clonmel
Related Post: Hypocritical Irish Scumbags
I decided that I may have been a little too harsh in condemning the Irish People as "Hypocritical Scumbags" when I based that previous post on the results of two simple Google searches. You see, I merely searched for the words "Shane" and "Geoghegan" and then counted the results, eg:
Google Search pages from Ireland: Shane Geoghegan
Results 1 - 10 of about 37,300 for Shane Geoghegan. (0.18 seconds)
So that would have brought up all pages from Ireland with the words "Shane" and "Geoghegan" in them. But how do we know these pages even refer to the Shane Geoghegan we were searching for? After all, if a page made reference to a Shane Boylan and an Andy Geoghegan then that page would also appear in our search.
Similarly, I searched for for the separate words "Brian" and "Rossiter" and then counted the results, eg:
Google Search pages from Ireland: Brian Rossiter
Results 1 - 10 of about 8,030 for Brian Rossiter. (0.09 seconds)
So that would have brought up all pages from Ireland with the words "Brian" and "Rossiter" in them. But how do we know these pages even refer to the Brian Rossiter we were searching for?
So I decided to refine the search, in order to prove or disprove my point.
I loaded the exact phrase "Shane Geoghegan" and "Limerick" into Google's Advanced Search feature, which would return all pages from Ireland with the exact phrase "Shane Geoghegan" as well as the word "Limerick".
Similarly I loaded the exact phrase "Brian Rossiter" and "Clonmel" into Google's Advanced Search feature, which would return all pages from Ireland with the exact phrase "Brian Rossiter" as well as the word "Clonmel".
The results of the Google jury were:
Google Search pages from Ireland: "Shane Geoghegan" AND Limerick
Results 1 - 10 of about 46,500 for "Limerick" + "Shane Geoghegan".
So that is 46,500 pages from Ireland discussing the death of Shane Geoghegan in Limerick.
And for the 14 year old dead boy:
Google Search pages from Ireland: "Brian Rossiter" AND Clonmel
Results 1 - 10 of about 842 for "Clonmel" + "Brian Rossiter".
Now that is 842 pages from Ireland discussing the death of 14 year old Brian Rossiter in a Police cell in Clonmel.
That's far, FAR worse than I thought.
So it looks like I was right: The Irish People really REALLY ARE a bunch of Hypocritical Scumbags . . .
They live in a society that ignores the illegal actions of Gardai, while screaming for more law and order to tackle the ‘crime wave’
Maybe if the idiots demanded that Gardai caught breaking the law be sent to jail as often as poor people from the sink estates of Limerick go to jail when they break the law then we might be able to restore some respect for the law in this country.
If the people that are supposed to uphold the law are allowed to act with impunity, which they very obviously are, then what right we be outraged when others decide to break the law?
People are talking about marches to demand the killers of Shane Geoghegan be punished for their crimes.
Why are the same people not as outraged when grown men wearing police uniforms batter a 14 year old child to death in a cold cell in Clonmel?
To me the second of those is far more despicable then the first - simply because the Garda have SWORN to uphold the law
Brian Rossiter’s last week on this Earth consisted of series of violent attacks on his person by grown men twice his size. He died alone in a cold cell in Clonmel because the Irish people refuse to deal with the fact that Garda can do what they like without any fear of retribution, legal or otherwise. Where is the outrage?
Do people not realise that scumbags see this and see no reason why they too should follow the law?
I DO understand how people can get very militant in the wake of the behaviour that lead to the tragic death of Mr Geoghegan - BUT at the same time I find myself grasping for reasons to explain the almost deafening silence amongst the ‘plain people of Ireland’ regarding the death of the 14 year old boy.
The only reason I can come up with is that they really don’t care when it is the Gardai that kill people - the unspoken consensus seems to be that anyone that dies in Garda custody might have deserved it - especially if they come from the wrong side of the tracks.
Tons of outrage (and rightly so) for Mr Geoghegan - calls of ’string ‘em up’ etc.
Yet curiously none for a 14 yr old that may have been killed by the Gardai - I have yet to see any letters to any newspapers calling for us to ignore the civil rights of certain Gardai. No one has suggested stringing up any Gardai that may have been (legalese again) involved in Rossiter’s death. (not that I would support that)
One law for the ’scum’ but a very different legal system operating for the ‘connected’ ones - how the hell do Irish people expect to have a decent society under those conditions?
Brown envelopes for Politicians to make terrible planning decisions that leave massive social chaos in their wake. West Dublin, and many other parts of this island, is a social and planning nightmare for the future - directly the result of those brown envelope shenanigans of the politicians - how many of them are in jail now?
In what universe does a society function properly when there is very obviously one law for the ‘connected’ and a very different one for all others? Can anyone tell me that please, if you know?
Labels: 14 year old, Banana Republic, Brian Rossiter, Dead, gangsters, Garda, Hypocrisy, Ireland, Killed, Police State, Shane Geoghegan